Santorini Shirley

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Why Every Woman Should Do A Solo Trip

Why Every Woman Should Do A Solo Trip

Solo travel in itself is exhilarating and can open you up to a new view on life. As a woman, it can feel incredibly empowering to be vulnerable and comfortable enough to travel alone. If you haven’t taken a trip on your own yet, you are truly missing out on an opportunity to experience life differently. I believe every woman should explore a solo trip at least once in their life. Here are some personal experiences I’ve had on solo trips that can hopefully inspire you to take the leap!

Time for reflection

Spending time alone is often misconceived as being lonely, but it takes a strong person to be vulnerable enough to do things alone. In these moments, you will reflect a lot and become extremely self aware. You will learn new things about yourself that you may have never noticed before. And often times, you will learn to give yourself a lot more grace than you tend to. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be strong or very independent, you will really surprise yourself when you take that leap.

Your terms, no compromising

Traveling alone means you’re booking a trip on your terms. You choose where to go, stop waiting for friends when life is so short. You are choosing the flightplan you want, whether it’s the cheapest or the most luxurious. You are selecting the accommodations to your liking, (you can finally stay in the tiny home you always wanted to that your friends didn’t care for. You are choosing how to spend your days - key!

If you want to start your day bright and early and make time for a mid day nap, you can. If you want to explore nonstop all day because your friends normally get tired, you can. On the other hand, if you want to just lay on a beach and read a book because your friends want to explore nonstop, you can!

The point is you have the power to dictate how you spend your time with no compromising needed. There’s truly nothing more liberating than choosing how you enjoy those moments. You will be surprised how these decisions and experiences will trickle back into your life - in a great way!

Defines your standards

Crafting your day to day activities will reflect on your standards. What you choose to do for yourself sets the bar for what others should do for you as well. This goes for significant others, friends, family - even colleagues. Even if you are traveling on a budget, the fact that you decided to take yourself on a retreat shows your dedication to YOU. And let me tell you, the second you set that bar, it will aid in your ability to set boundaries.

Escape your comfort zone

Although traveling with family, friends, or a significant other can be a lot of fun - it’s a crutch for your comfort zone. Without realizing, you compromise more than you want to for the sake of the unified group decision (which is never a bad thing!). But when traveling alone, not only will you do as you please (this is the overall theme of this post lol), but you will get out of your comfort zone by doing so. You will be more open to doing things you never thought about doing but really wanted to and never had the opportunity. It can be something as simple as having dinner alone in a restaurant, or as big as completing a challenging hike.

Empowerment and confidence

One of the top factors is how empowered you feel after completing a solo trip. There are not many people who can say they have traveled alone to a country they’ve never been to and spent their entire time doing solo activities. There is so much power in being comfortable doing things on your own, whether it’s wandering a museum or going to the movies. Knowing you can accomplish what others feel weird about, will reflect on your confidence. This newfound empowerment will feed your soul and make you crave more fulfilling moments.

Solo Travel Destinations

Below is a list of destinations I traveled to alone that I would highly recommend as safe options for women. I also included a few places I’ve been to with friends and family that I would absolutely revisit alone.

  • Charleston, South Carolina

  • Savannah, Georgia

  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • London, England

  • Lisbon and Sintra, Portugal

  • Barcelona or Seville, Spain

  • Strasbourg, France

  • Dublin, Ireland

  • Berlin, Germany

  • Tropea, Florence, Cinque Terre, or Milan, Italy

Are you an avid solo traveler? Comment down below on places you’ve been to that you recommend for women.

Want to explore a planned solo trip?

If you are ready to take the leap but need guidance on where to go and what to do, I can create a day by day plan for you, as well as book your trip (flights, accommodations, activities etc). You can customize this trip however you like to match your travel style. Click the button below to get started.

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