Santorini Shirley

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Here you'll find free travel itineraries, foodie blogging, and travel tips. I am also a travel advisor and marketing consultant, offering a variety of services.

Solo travel: Things to keep in mind

Solo travel: Things to keep in mind

Solo travel can be intimidating and invigorating all at once. Whatever your outlook, here are some things to keep in mind.

You can do whatever you want

One of the main beauties of traveling alone is you can do whatever you want. Take a midday nap. Change up your planned itinerary and visit a nearby city instead. Skip that museum. Try that cheesy segway tour.

You only need to compromise with yourself, so enjoy every moment.

There will be awkward moments

Listen you’re traveling alone, and although you may be great company - there will be short, awkward lapse’s in time. I like to plan for those moments by bringing along a good book (or some kind of time passing activity - knitting perhaps?), organizing a packed itinerary, FaceTiming a loved one to share an experience with, or simply speak to strangers! You get to meet some amazing people from different backgrounds while traveling. I’ve made long-lasting friendships with people who were once strangers.

Inform your friends and/or family of your itinerary

Share your itinerary by sending them your flight info, accommodation details, and any tours you plan on taking. No matter how careful you’re being on your trip, it’s important for your family and friends to know your whereabouts if anything were to happen to you.

Know where the U.S. Embassy is

When traveling outside of the U.S., you should always know where the U.S. Embassy is located in whichever country you’re visiting. has a handy search portal where you can search locations by country.

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